Friday, September 21, 2012



I finally finished up the Dali piece and am currently starting to work on Archicad. I have been playing around with the software a little bit and I'm starting to get the hang of some basic things. I still have a lot more to learn but I've found a series of tutorials that should be able to guide me through my beginning stages. So I present to you my first little project in the making, a basic house.

Friday, September 14, 2012



Most people are embarrassed of their mistakes or things they messed up. But really, although it may sound cliche, you have to learn from your mistakes. Just looking at this piece, which is the first piece I ever made, I can honestly say it's terrible. I did make the can myself though. Anyways, most people try to hide their slip ups but I see it as a chance to better myself so I post it and let you see how far I've come. Just scroll down and see my latest piece.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Alternate Zebra Tree

Alternate Zebra Tree

I'm now working on this piece while is an alternate to my original "Zebra Tree". I'm still working on it but I think it's starting to look pretty nice. So far I've carefully selected and deleted the old background, added the background and created an atmosphere on the Earth. The hardest part was selecting the tree and getting the branches selected but it's beginning to work out nicely.