Friday, January 24, 2014

Spiral Stair Case

Spiral Stair Case

    This week I've made significant progress on the spiral staircase for my A-Frame model house. It's a very slow and complicated process as each stair must be glued seperately. It is about halfway completed and I can begin to see the spiral stair case look. I can't wait to see the stair case as part of the house and how it fits in. This should be the last peice before I begin to peice the different components of the house together.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stair Case

Stair Case

    This week I begin on the last thing I have to construct and it is the spiral stair case. I have assembled all of the seperate stairs and now they have to be welded (glued) to the center pole. The project is really coming together as I have to walls already set in place on the floor plan. I'm excited to finish, not because I want to be done, but because I am excited to see the final product. It's been tough but I'm almost there, almost done. I should have the stair case finished by this Friday as well.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A-Frame Model House

A-Frame Model House
    This week I have been working on wall frames and structures. Even though I am working on a small scale model it looks very similar to the real frame and structure of a house. I've watched a video of a house being built and it closely resembles my project but on a much larger scale of course. I find it very interesting and I'm really enjoying this project. I can see the finished product and it is not too far away.