This week I've decided to explain how a few elements and principles of design relate to my sculpture. There isn't much color in the mechanism itself but I plan to make the dragon that sits on top colorful to beautifuly contrast the pure white. Line can be seen in curved form in the CAM's and straight lines can be seen in the walls. Line's are essential to mechansims and must be precise or it won't work properly. There isn't a defined form at the moment as the peices are unassembled but when they are assembled they will take the shape of a rectangular cube. Value, or the general lightness or darkness in a design element, can be seen in the sense of color. The value of color for the mechanism is very light for example. At the moment there isn't much posotive or negative space but when the three dimensional model is finished the hollow center will create a good deal of negative space and the walls and CAM's will create the posotive space. Since the model is rather small it will not occupy much space in general. In terms of scale the sculpture is both small and large, as it is a larger scale model of my original paper model but a smaller scale model of some larger mechanisms. Pattern can be seen with the CAM's as they alternate orientation on the rod. This is just a few of the elements and how they relate to my sculpture.
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